within the framework of the
International Festival
"RUMI FEST 2024"

What awaits you?

The international festival "RUMI FEST", that is focused on familiarization with the culture and wisdom of the East, offers you a tour around amazing, secret and mystic places of Turkey. It is going to become an unforgettable holiday and a full reload.

Join this wonderful event filled with music, art and love!

What you are going to see and take part in?


Mystic and restricted places

Educating lectures and practices


The concert of a famous Turkish singer Abdullah Kaymak

The concert of a famous Irani musician Ali Taghvaee


The Sema ceremony of the Sufi order Mevlevi

A Sufi healing practice – zikr

EBRU and SEMA master classes

We invite to the festival everyone despite their views, beliefs or attitudes.

"RUMI FEST 2024"

The place where

the East meets the West …

It is not just the geographical location with real coordinates, it is also the place in every human soul, where mind touches feelings, where thoughts and emotions abide in harmony, where inspiration incurs masterpieces, and secret things become apparent and come to Reality.

The main concept of the Festival is popularization of cultural heritage and traditions of the East in Europe through a variety of cultural events – educating workshops, lectures in global social issues, charity concerts, poetry and music nights with participation of musicians from Turkey, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Iran, Georgia, Poland and other countries.


21.09 - 26.09
21.09 - 26.09
A good amount of rest in the best environmentally friendly Turkish resort
26.09 - 01.10
26.09 - 01.10
The favourite city of mystics from all over the world
Concerts of live music from the best musicians of Turkey and Iran
The SEMA ceremony and zikr
You will be delighted by singing of well-known Turkish musician

This performance will immerse you in an incredible atmosphere of creativity and joy of life. To live music and incendiary allahi’s you will laugh, smile, sing along and clap your hands, perhaps even stand up from your seats, so light, joyful and radiant is the voice, music and artistry of this incredible musician.

You will enjoy the musical performance from a famous Irani musician

Sounds of the setar, a stringed Persian instrument that is able to cry and to call to the world of higher awareness and divine love, will enchant you. A touch of miraculous moment, a new birth, these are the words to describe the beauty of these tunes and sounds.


CIRALI: 21.09.2024 - 26.09.2024

What are the places we’ll go to?

The beach in Cirali. The pebble beach is Cirali’s visit card, it is about 3,5 km long. And it is one of rare places in Turkey where you can see loggerhead sea turtles (caretta caretta) and their nests with eggs in the beach sand.

Mount Chimaera. A legendary place. It was mentioned by Homer himself in his epic “Iliad”. That was a home for a monstrous beast Chimaera, that could challenge imagination of doctor Frankenstein. It had a fire-breathing lion’s head, goat’s body and dragon’s tail. We will walk up the mountain and will see the flames erupting from the rock face.

Olympos. It was founded by pirates in 3 rd century BC, when they chose a secluded bay near the river and mountains, and built a town there. The town was growing fast and already in 2 nd century BC it became an important port-city of Lycia with its own coins, writing and architecture. In year 129 BC Olympos was visited by the Roman emperor Hadrian, so afterwards it was renamed after Hadrian to Hadrianopolis. In 15 century Olympos became a part of the Ottoman empire and gradually abandoned.

Here we also will listen to lectures based on Sufi psychology and will participate in a mindset training.

KONYA: 26.09.2024 – 01.10.2024

What are the places we are going to?

The Mevlana museum. The mausoleum of a famous Sufi mystic and poet Mevlana Jalal al- Din Muhammad Rumi. All his life is a symbol of love, brotherhood, peace and tolerance. The whole life of Rumi, the founder of the dervish order Mevlevia, corresponds to the principles of his teaching, which has been preserved and practiced up to present times. The name of the mystic teaching originates from the title Mevlana (meaning “Our Master”) which Rumi gained from his disciples and people of Konya. The mosque and turbe of Shams Tebrizi, the dervish and Jalalluddin Rumi’s Master.

Karaman. The mosque and mausoleum of Rumi’s mother – Mumine Hatun, as well as the mausoleum of a famous Turkish mystic, Sufi and poet Yunus Emre, the founder of Turkish Sufi literature in Anatolia.

Furthermore, you will be able to attend:

  • the Sema ceremony
  • the concert of one of the most popular performers of mystic music from Iran
  • the concert of a very renowned performer of mystic music from Turkey

As well as Workshops in:

EBRU, the traditional Turkish art of marbling on water, exercised by Mevlevi dervishes, and filled with symbolics and hidden meanings, inscribed by UNESCO on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2014.

The SEMA ceremony, the traditional Sufi whirling, practiced by Mevlana dervishes, led under the guidance of an experienced master.

At the end of our tour, we will visit the panoramic restaurant with exclusive Konian cuisine.

And on the top of that, we will listen to topical lectures based on Sufi psychology, practice and study ourselves, learn new about culture and wisdom of the East.

Participation in a retreat and the healing Sufi practice zikr will be waiting for you.

Three possibilities of participation
Make your choice


21 September – 1 October

The velvet season - gentle sea and warm sun, pebble beach, wonderful rest, breathtaking experiences, mountains and nature, along with mystics, immersion into the tradition of the East, practices, the Sema, zikrs, lectures, live music, workshops, emotional rest, joy for the soul.


21 September – 26 September

Good rest in the best environmentally friendly place of Turkey, sightseeing, nature, well-designed and thoughtful content, lectures, zikrs, mindset training, reload of your physical and emotional state await you here.


26 September – 1 October

The most ancient and favorite city of mystics from all over the world is Konya. It has unique atmosphere, when mystery is hidden even in the air, and the heart sees secret things. Best musicians of Turkey and Iran, workshops, visiting holy Sufi places, lectures, mindset training, zikrs, the Sema ceremony await you here.

Tour details
Accommodation in 2-bed rooms
We will stay in 4-star hotels
Cirali – half-board
Konya – bed and breakfast
Age of participants
Our program is open for any age: both for young and for experienced travelers.
Packing list tips
Comfortable footwear and clothes for the mountain walk (Cirali)
Suitable clothing for mosques and Sufi ceremonies.
Full cost: € 1150
Only Cirali: € 550
Only Konya: € 550

Included: transfers on the programme, accommodation in 4-star hotels, entry tickets to concerts on the programme, the Sema ceremony; Cirali – half-board accommodation, Konya – bed and breakfast accommodation and the closing dinner in the panoramic restaurant with exclusive konyan cuisine.

Not included: flight tickets, personal expenses, tips, travel insurance

Book your tour now!

The advance payment is 250 Euro and is due for payment until 15 July. The full payment is due until 1 September. You can book a suitable for you tour option.

Frequently asked questions

Can I take an accompanying person that does not participate in the programme?

Only the tour participants can stay on the hotel territory.

When is the remaining amount due for payment?

Is the advance payment refundable?

The full cost of the tour is due for payment until 1 September.
The advance payment is nonrefundable.

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